
Diabetes Madlib #1

Clueless About Diabetes Madlib


While science understands many of the aspects of diabetes, and it still continues to learn more, society as a whole doesn’t have a clue.  If you have diabetes, I’m sure you’ve had some of the following statements said to you.  If you don’t, read this as a list of things to never say to someone with diabetes.

(Answers provided by Ronei, but they are not representative of her knowledge and support of people with diabetes, this is for comic value only.)

“Oh, you have dyebabeetees? So your lungs don’t work, right? Well, at least you don’t have cancer. My sister has it and got it because she ate too much sushi. Last year, she had her legs cuff off! I hear you can cure it by drinking water? I feel joy for you because those fuzzy needles would make me cook. And I could never have someone skate one of those pump things in my eyeball. My cousin had juvenile diabetes but outgrew it when she turned 102. I was reading in National Enquirer that Meryl Streep had it but reversed it by eating only enchiladas. And Olivia Davis has it and she’s lived a long time with no problems. I also read where lots of people who have it bad travel to England because they have a cure for it there. Don’t be sad, Dr. Paschall said there will be a cure here in America in 9 years. Then you can start eating chocolate chip cookies again!”

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