
It’s All About Sleep

Angry grizzly bear meme, "Tumor Necrosis Factor be like You started goofing off today? I will kill you!" This happens in your sleep.

Gotta Breath While You Sleep

Apnea = stopped breathing

Types of sleep apnea

When you metabolize the fat stores when you’re losing weight, the main by-product of that process is carbon dioxide.  You breathe away your fat!!

Getting better sleep can be the trick to untangling the knot of many health problems.

Medication can make apnea worse.  So can other things too.

Caffeine helps you stay awake (read and listen here).  Sunlight does much more for you in helping you wake up (as little as 15 minutes of sunlight a day).

Light Makes a Difference

Sun comes up –> serotonin –> happy, awake, productive
Sun goes down –> melatonin replaces serotonin –> sleep

Sunrise clocks

People who work third shift have to use a lot of tricks for making daytime to feel like night so you can sleep.

Can’t just supplement serotonin because a lot of biologicals don’t survive the digestive and absorption process to get used by the body.

Electronic curfews are a good idea.

Blue blocking glasses

Light that helps us see is actually a combination of different colors of light (based on their wavelength).  The blue wavelength of light is what stimulates our eyes. So, if you have to do work at night, blocking that stimulating light can help you sleep once work is over.

Working third-shift is now considered a carcinogen.

Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) runs while you’re sleeping.

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Music Credits:  “Radio Martini” Kevin MacLeod (  Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Sleep Aids [Show Notes]

Who needs help falling asleep?  *raises hand*

WARNING: Do not mix any sleep aids with alcohol – compounded drowsiness, depressed breathing or depressed heart rate

Sleep Aids

  1.  Melatonin – the chemical your brain makes when it’s dark.  Electronic light can interfere with your natural production of melatonin after the sun goes down.
  2. Valerian Root – claims to promote calming and relaxation
  3. 1st Generation Antihistamines – Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or Doxylamine (Unisom; also in NyQuil).  They have natural drowsy side effect, so using for the purpose of that side effect is a common practice.
  4. Rozerem – stimulates melatonin production in your brain
  5. Hypnotics – Ambien (zolpidem), Lunesta (eszopiclone). They seduce your brain to sleep in an unnatural way, thus they have high risk side effects (vivid dreams, sleep driving/walking/eating) and a high risk of dependence.  The side effects are due to the fact that the medications may get you to a deeper level of sleep before the rest of your body is prepared.  Your body has a natural paralysis process to ensure you don’t act out dreams in the REM cycle, but if your brain reaches REM before your body is paralyzed, you may do crazy things!
  6. Benzodiazepines – generic names end in -lam or -pam.  Also have a risk of dependence and side effects (mainly “hangover” effect).
  7. Tricyclic Antidepressants – a symptom of depression is sleeping too much, but insomnia can be a symptom of depression.  Also, insomnia can make you feel depressed – it’s a vicious cycle.  In small doses, they work to help rebalance the brain chemicals and reset the sleep-wake cycle.

Where to Start

Use as natural a solution as possible that is effective.  Physiological and neurological issues can lead to chronic insomnia that is not corrected by the most natural solutions, thus pharmaceuticals are needed – and that’s nothing to be ashamed of!

Sunlight stimulates your eyes and tells your brain to make serotonin.  When the light is gone, and that stimulation stops, serotonin stops and melatonin replaces it.  This is how we functioned and planned our days back in the “old days”.

Summertime brings on long days and lots of sunlight.  Thus we may not sleep as long because the long daylight hours keep us awake.  But this can also be the issue in the winter and for people who experience SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) – the shorter daylight doesn’t allow sufficient serotonin to be produced and we actually feel sad.

Analyzing your sleep patterns and knowing your options will allow you to have a productive conversation with your doctor – different medications are used depending on if you have trouble falling asleep or waking up halfway through sleep or both.

Audience Question

*Melatonin in nursing:  your natural melatonin gets in breast milk and is thought to help baby’s sleep cycle (especially early on when baby’s sleep-wake cycle may be backwards because that’s how they rolled in the womb).  Thus, if your natural melatonin gets into breast milk, then supplemented melatonin will get there too.  The rationale is that if you’re not sleeping (despite the exhaustion of having a new baby), then you may not be making enough natural melatonin.  If you’re going to take melatonin while breastfeeding, LOW dose is key to ensure the excess isn’t deposited in the breast milk to pass on to baby – 3 mg seems to be the highest recommended, and I agree.  PLEASE do your own research and discuss it with a medical professional you trust rather than just taking my word for it!*

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Music Credits:  “Radio Martini” Kevin MacLeod (  Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Sleep Hygiene

A Definition

Sleep Hygiene: how conducive your night time and bedtime habits are for restful sleep on a regular basis

Your body performs important processes while you sleep.

Risk of disease is increased when you don’t get enough sleep.  Heart disease, diabetes, and stroke, just to name a few.

4 Areas of Sleep Hygiene

  1. Environment
    • dark (all of our light-emitting toys are bad for our sleep) – your body makes serotonin stimulated by light, and then melatonin when the light is gone.
    • temperature – your body sleeps well when it’s cool, kind of like hibernation. Gotta get past REM sleep because REM sleep is not restful sleep
  2. Habits
    • no naps – recovery processes can be inefficient
    • exercise (vigorous exercise during the day; slow & calming exercise late at night)
    • getting adequate natural light – so your brain isn’t confused about which chemical it needs to make
    • consistent routine – your brain likes predictable patterns
  3. Consumption
    • stimulants – caffeine, nicotine
    • alcohol – initially makes you sleepy, but can disrupt sleep when the liver finishes processing it into sugar
    • large meals – can cause indigestion which can disrupt sleep
    • drastic dietary changes – fluctuating amounts of sugar in the blood stream or digestive discomfort
  4. Mindset
    • bed is for sleep – not a place for work or studying or eating
    • avoid emotional stress – positive (i.e. excitement) or negative (i.e. anger)


CPAP machine – helps in sleep apnea, which is wear the body doesn’t get enough oxygen during sleep.  Oxygen is needed for all sorts of processes.  If the body can’t get the oxygen, then it probably isn’t using the nutrients and energy sources available, and it can lead to feeling awful, even after a night of sleep.

Nothing good comes from a lack of sleep.

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Music Credits:  “Radio Martini” Kevin MacLeod (  Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Thrive with sleep [Show Notes]

3 Areas Thrive When You Sleep

1. Productivity 

  • Memory
  • Attention span
  • Creativity

2. Health

  • Decreased risk for cardiac disease
  • Inflammatory chemicals are cleansed out
  • Weight management – certain metabolism processes only happen while you’re sleeping
  • Tissues heal and rebuild
  • Reaction time improves

3. Emotions

  • Stress hormones are removed from your system
  • Gives your serotonin production a break, so you get a fresh supply in the morning (Serotonin is your happy chemical)

The Bottom Line

The cells in your brain (neurons) run on electricity (aka the flow of positive and negative charges).  Sleep allows the electricity to reset, so it’s really to flow quickly and efficiently the next morning.  You live longer when you get enough sleep.

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Music Credits:  “Radio Martini” Kevin MacLeod (  Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0